The Spouse and I tag-team the bedtime battle around here each night. He works with the Toddler while I deal with the Preschooler. I’m not sure what goes on in the way of story time in the Toddler’s room {I feel certain she’s in total control of the book selection}, but I’ve been trying to work on spicing up the nightly rituals with the Preschooler because she and I both have a tendency to fall into a rut. Creatures of habit we are. So, this week I decided that maybe I should start having her learn the Lord’s Prayer. We’ve been doing some short verses {mainly psalms} for awhile now, but I thought this would challenge her in a good way. I was all worried that we would get hung up on the first line when we came to the word “hallowed,” but I was willing to give it a shot.
So, I got all mentally prepared and told her we were going to work on learning a new prayer… one verse at a time. With eager anticipation she sat up ready to knock it out. And, I started…
Me: {very slowly} Our Father, who is in heaven… hallowed be your name. Now can you say that with me this time?
The Preschooler: Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Me: How did you know that?
The Preschooler: I just knowed it.
Me: No, really. How did you know that? Who taught you that?
The Preschooler: I learn-ded it at church.
Me: When did you learn it?
The Preschooler: {becoming annoyed with my questioning} We say it every week in my class.
Me: Well, OK. What else do you know? Do you know the whole prayer?
The Preschooler: Yes, but can you help me remember it?
Me: Sure. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts…
The Preschooler: … as we forgive our debtors.
Me: Lead us not into temptation…
The Preschooler: But, deliver us from {loudly} EVIL. {now talking as fast as she can talk…} For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. AMEN.
Me: Amen!
I sat amazed. And, sensing my amazement, I have never seen the Preschooler more proud of herself.
Here’s all I know… Of course the Preschooler doesn’t fully understand the meaning of the words in the Lord’s Prayer. She doesn’t know what “hallowed” or “debt” or “temptation” means. She’s just memorizing and repeating. BUT, it never ceases to amaze me how much information her young mind is absorbing, be it good or bad information. She’s listening. She hears everything from each word to the theme song on the Strawberry Shortcake DVD… to my hateful fussing in the car… to the tone I use with her daddy when I’m frustrated… to the words of the Lord’s Prayer on Sunday mornings. She {and her sister} are constantly taking something in and processing it. And, that’s always a humbling thought.
One other thing I know is that I better step it up on my memorization of verses and catechisms or the 4-year old class is going to pass me up this fall. And, that’s humbling, too.
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