Bedtime conversations I want to remember…
The Preschooler: I had the flu yesterday, so that’s why I couldn’t go to tennis. I might have chicken dots tomorrow.
{The Preschooler had a minor cold, so I decided we should skip tennis. And, as for the “chicken dots,” I think she had seen a cartoon about someone having chicken pox. You just never know when a case of the “dots” might pop up}.
The Toddler: Is our baby going to be green?
Me: I hope not. It might be a little pink, but it will look a lot like you.
The Toddler: Is it going to be blue?
{Both girls were with us at the last ultrasound and are now very concerned that this new baby will look something like it looked on the dark, blurry video screen. Ultrasound technology is a hard thing to explain…}
The Preschooler: Mommy, what did you make at church today?
{Every week the preschool class makes a cute craft of some sort that relates to their Bible story of the day. So, naturally, she assumes that her parents would also make a craft to go along with the lesson in big church. I think it’s a great idea. In the same way that they serve Communion, the elders could pass out craft supplies and we could all make refrigerator magnets… or bookmarks… or sun visors with the day’s scripture lesson on them. I, for one, would retain more if I had to do a craft that went along with the sermon each week}.
The Preschooler: Is God in my tummy?
Me: No, honey, he’s more so in your heart.
The Preschooler: Well, they say at church that God is on my side.
{What do you say to that?!}
This conversation followed a few consecutive nights of the Preschooler coming to our room in the middle of the night…
Me: I’d like for you to try and sleep all through the night in your own bed tonight.
The Preschooler: Well, I’m scared. And, I’m afraid I’ll dream that Spider Man is trying to get me.
Me: Well, there’s no reason to be scared. Spider Man isn’t real… you have a nightlight, and we’re just down the hallway.
The Preschooler: Does God watch over me at night?
Me: Yes, he does.
The Preschooler: Does he watch over you and Daddy?
Me: Yes, us, too.
The Preschooler: Are there two gods?
{I’m still just not sure how to tackle things like God’s omnipresence with a 4-year old}.
And, some favorite phrases:
“Did we have pun today?” (The Toddler likes to confirm that she had “fun” each day)
“I want to wear Stinkerbell.” (The Toddler referring to her favorite Tinkerbell pajamas)
I sure hope you plan on turning this blog into a book someday. I think it would be such a "pun" read for so many people!
You're too kind, Beth. A book would be pun, just berry hard 🙂