We had our first experience with face paint this weekend. After patiently waiting in line for no less than thirty minutes to have our turn in the artist’s chair, at last, the masterpieces were revealed:
Most unfortunately, the Toddler didn’t understand the temporary nature of face paint. And, within minutes (like five) of having her cheek worked on, she became upset about something…
I think it was something about wanting a blue sucker. Immediately. And, no such sucker could be found. Making matters worse, it was nap time when everything becomes much more urgent and dramatic and altogether upsetting than it should. So, the tears began flowing.
And, by the time we were asleep twenty minutes later, this is what was left of the face paint…
The saddest part was when she later looked in the mirror expecting to see her beautiful blue butterfly and caught only a glimpse of its remains instead. With a confused expression she said, “My blue! My blue! Where’s my blue?” And, that was difficult to explain…
Once again, it’s hard to be two.
It was also hard to be two on Sunday when the Toddler had what her teachers referred to as “an incident” in Sunday School. Apparently her class was on the playground when a group of older kids from another department had a large balloon release nearby. Something about seeing hundreds of balloons simultaneously released into the air was traumatic to the Toddler. So much so, that her whole class had to return inside so she could be settled back down. I can only imagine that the drama was something like that of our first encounter with a fireworks show. She’s always liked balloons, so who knew she would have such a fear of a bunch of balloons? Fireworks I can understand, but the balloon phobia is a new one.
We were trying to figure out why anyone was having a balloon release on Sunday morning anyway when I pulled this craft out of her take-home bag…
And, it all made sense. I suppose the balloons were “ascending.”
Technically, I don’t think Ascension Day is until some time in June, but maybe it takes the balloons several weeks to fully ascend. After all, it’s a long way up there!
Beautiful pictures! Great meeting you!