For some reason, a trail of random good fortune has been following us lately in the form of giveaways. It all started last weekend when I went to the grocery store for a major restocking…
The store was busy, and I had a lot of bags, so I wasn’t paying close attention to the bagger as he {or maybe it was a she} packed the groceries. But, when I got home I discovered that along with the chicken I picked out, we had also brought home a salmon steak, two pork tenderloins, and a pork roast. The total value of all this surplus meat was just under $30.
Feeling all honest, I called the store and told them that I had accidentally gotten the meat {without paying for it} that the customer behind me meant to purchase. Apparently this happens often enough for them to have a formal “just keep it policy” because that’s exactly what the customer service lady insisted I do. I just hope the man or woman who was behind me in line wasn’t planning to host a dinner party involving salmon and pork that evening…
Our next giveaway happened this past weekend when we went to the second annual International Biscuit Festival. {I think the “international” part might be a stretch, but hey, it’s good to dream big}. I thought the festival would be a good source of entertainment for the afternoon and a different way to enjoy lunch downtown. Well, approximately 10,000 other people had that same thought. By the time we found a parking spot and made our way to the ticket booth in the noonday sun, we were famished. And, our desperation must have been obvious because a lady and her family walked up to us and kindly gave us four free tickets to Biscuit Boulevard saying they had already had their share of biscuits and were ready to head home for the day. What luck. Twenty dollars worth of tickets for biscuits. If only getting to the biscuits had been easier.
As it turned out, we gave up after two or three biscuits because some things in life just aren’t worth fighting {or fainting} for. But, we got our fill. And, all we had to buy was the Chic-fil-a tea.
I discovered the third random giveaway yesterday morning when I was pulling into our driveway and noticed a little Tru-Green sign that had been planted in the grass under our mailbox. Upon closer inspection the sign read, “This grass has been treated. Please do not walk on grass.” The girls had been with a sitter for the morning, so I asked them if anyone had come to the door or been in the yard. Well, the Preschooler said “Yeah, there was a man with a hose in the backyard.” I’m not sure why it wasn’t alarming to her that a strange man was walking around our backyard with a hose, but she seemed altogether unfazed by the sighting. So, given the sign, the sighting, and the fact that our yard reeked of fertilizer, I think we may have been the recipients of an accidental yard treatment from our friends at Tru-Green. Or, it may be that Tru-Green is in the business of doing some pro bono work for yards that desperately need their services and ours just happened to qualify. Either way, we’ll take it. And, we might even start watering our yard.
I’m not sure when this giveaway streak will end, but I’m kind of enjoying it. Who knows what I might bring home from Kroger this week…
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