We have a retro red phone that has never actually been plugged into the wall but sits in our living room for looks and play. To the girls, it’s a curious thing how one could have ever needed to stay near a cord to talk on the phone. Their generation only knows mobile and cellular. So, all three of them like to play old school and “talk” on it. But, the Kindergartener has taken to having some lengthy conversations on the big red phone lately. And during one of her longer calls last week I decided to ask her about the nature of her chat…
Me: Who are you talking to?
Her: My husband.
Me: Oh, of course.
Her: He lives in Alabama.
Me: Oh, really? What’s he doing there?
Her: He works there. He has three jobs.
Me: Goodness.
Her: Yep. He fixes cars, makes medicines, and also he works at the mall.
Me: I see. Which store does he work at in the mall?
Her: Well, sometimes he works at Chick-fil-a and sometimes he works at The Cheese Factory.
She spouts off these answers as if this is real life. So, all I can do is assume that she’s married to a guy in Alabama who works as a mechanic, a compounding pharmacist, and a part-time employee of both Chick-fil-a and the Cheesecake Factory {aka the Cheese Factory}. If he’s not industrious, I don’t know who is.
I just hope their relationship can withstand the distance… and hold out nineteen more years until she’s reached our agreed upon dating age of twenty-five.
uh! experience say you should back off that age 25 thing Just saying:)