We’ve been having some issues lately with Toddler 1 in terms of behavior and cooperation. She’s always been strong-willed, but her level of defiance and her determination to have her way seems to have peaked in the last few weeks. So, in an effort to encourage better behavior without anyone losing their sanity, I decided to invest a few dollars in a sticker chart system. At last, we can “chart” our progress in categories like calmly and cooperatively brushing our teeth, combing our hair, cleaning up our toys, sharing, going to bed, and the hardest one of all… maintaining a pleasant disposition throughout most of the day.
We’ve had to amend the chart a little to make it work for us. For starters, it’s not really a Child’s Job Chart. We’re just using the pictures as guides. I don’t need her to make her bed. I’d just like her to go to bed. Peacefully. And, I don’t expect her to be happy all day. I couldn’t earn that sticker. I’d just like her to play with her sister, and eat her dinner, and put her shoes and socks on when we’re leaving. Peacefully. (You’ll notice below that we did not earn that sticker today. You’ll also notice that Tuesday and Wednesday are blank. Fret not. It wasn’t total anarchy around here, but I was out of town, and the girls stayed with their gracious Grammy and Papa. So, we’ll just assume she earned all her stickers both of those days).
I know the novelty of this may wear off, but so far, the sticker system seems to be working. Toddler 1 is competitive enough to be very motivated by the promise of a reward for racking up a week’s worth of stickers.
This afternoon we were discussing the sticker system (as we have many, many times over the past week), and I realized that we might have different expectations for the nature of the rewards.
Me: Now, if you earn all your stickers tonight and tomorrow, you’ll have enough to maybe take a trip to Froyoz. (our beloved frozen yogurt spot)
Toddler 1: Yeah, or I could maybe get a big sucker.
Me: Yes, that’s right.
Toddler 1: Or… maybe I could win a trip to the beach.
Whoa, now. This is a preschool sticker chart, not Wheel of Fortune.
And, this is a classic illustration of how when given an inch, this child takes a mile… or two.
Hence, the sticker chart.
Remind me again why I didn’t take a class or two in early childhood education?
Well, good luck. I know those constant mini-battles can seem exhausting but in the end it really pays off to hold to your guns. Long term you and the girls will be much happier fo it.
If the chart starts to lose its magical appeal, you can always try my fave…toy jail. It was a life saver for me when we are battling it out with the son at age two.
Good luck!