An excerpt from my conversation with the Toddler while drying her hair the other night…
Me: Did you know your hair is so blonde it’s almost white?
The Toddler {being very serious, as usual}: Yes.
Me {trying to lighten her mood}: What if you had purple hair?
The Toddler: No!
Me: Well, what about green hair? Would you like that?
The Toddler: No, way! That’d be gross.
Me: Hmmm… what other color could you have?
The Toddler: I know! I could have rainbow hair… like yours!
Apparently my highlights are in need of a touch-up. I’m all about mixing in some lowlights here and there, but “rainbow” isn’t exactly the look I was going for. I suppose I should appreciate her honesty… and her sense of style…
Then, there was a conversation between the Spouse and the Preschooler while we were working on some chores around the house one evening…
The Spouse: Will you run downstairs and get me a trash bag?
The Preschooler: {Sigh}. Why do I always have to do stuff for you?
The Spouse: Because you’re a good helper.
The Preschooler: I know. I do everything for this family.
Yes, everything. We have some high expectations for five-year olds around here. We like to think of her as our very own Cinderella…
Sometimes, when the Preschooler isn’t busy doing “everything” for this family, she and the Toddler find other inventive ways to amuse themselves. Earlier this week I came downstairs to find them busily “feeding” their babies…
I’m not sure which is more difficult… cleaning up the real Baby C after her morning cereal OR removing green play-doh from the crevices of these little plastic mouths.
Things like this make me think it may be several years {or a decade} before it will be safe to leave the Baby unattended in a room with her sisters.
She’s an easy target for their antics…
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