We finally got our long-awaited snow event this year. After beginning with an ice storm it has turned into a full-blown snow week with sub-zero wind chills and all kinds of school and business closings. The ice on the trees has taken on some fascinating shapes.
Today will be day four of the “break” and I’m running out of things to do to keep everyone safe and sane, let alone entertained. But, we have much to be grateful for as we are staying warm and healthy, and the only injury so far has been a big scratch on the Toddler’s forehead after she jumped off the back of the couch… as people who have been stuck inside for too long sometimes do.
Every time we get hit with winter precipitation I have to pull out our Rubbermaid of snow gear. For some reason, there are certain words all three girls have had trouble saying. One such word is “suit” as they always hear it pronounced “soup.” So, we wear “swim soups” in the summer and “snow soups” in the winter.
But, the thing about people in the South is that we don’t always own proper “snow soups” because we sometimes go several years without a good snow. That’s what makes snow days so interesting in these parts. We have an amazing ability to put together some fabulous outfits. With babies and toddlers, though, we tend to err on the side of overdoing it. This was my brother in 1987.
I could sweat just thinking about the fleece one-piece I put the Toddler three years ago. Keep in mind, she wasn’t actually going out in the snow. She was just prepared in the event she caught a chill when we opened the door.
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