Oh, 1st Grader. Somehow you’re seven years old today. Seven action-packed, fun-filled {occasionally drama-filled} years old.
You and I… We’re alike in so many ways. Both first-borns with a huge desire to please. Fiercely stubborn. Both determined to have the last word. Competitive. Driven to achieve. Perhaps a bit bossy with our younger siblings. We expect much from ourselves and everyone around us. We often clash because we are so much the same.
But, we’re also very different in some ways. You possess strengths I’ve never known. You are affectionate. And, passionate. So very passionate. You play hard; you sleep hard. You cry loud; you hug tight. Whether it’s riding a bike or hula-hooping, you are determined to master it. You love being outside. Or upside down. Or on a roller coaster. Truly, you were born ready to plan an adventure and have a good time.
Your strong-willed nature certainly challenges me. But, the spark in your eyes when you get excited about something inspires me to be a little more adventurous myself. Your ambition is catching. Your determination, though sometimes tiring, is inspiring.
This past year you’ve learned more new skills {and lost more teeth!} than I could have ever imagined. You can read. You can write short stories. And, we can have real conversations now where I can tell you’re listening more intently because you sincerely want to understand the people and things going on around you.
Your sisters think so much of you. You know, the Preschooler doesn’t like to go anywhere {even fun places} unless you’re going with her. And, the Toddler, of course, wants to do everything you do. You may not always appreciate their presence, but they’re basically a built-in fan club.
Even still, your Daddy and I remain your biggest fans.
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