In the grand scheme of things, this is nothing more than a first-world inconvenience. And, for that I am thankful. And, we’ll continue to pretend that it’s fun to gather everyone into our bedroom so we can all be closer to the window unit the Spouse has rigged up… which cools the room down to eighty-three at night.
Before the upstairs turned into a sauna, the girls were doing pretty well entertaining themselves up there in the afternoons. One of their favorite things to play is still restaurant. Typically the 2nd Grader is the server and the other two alternate between being cooks and patrons. When I was in college and graduate school I waited tables at a couple of restaurants. Not too long ago I found my old order pad from my stint at the American Cafe in Birmingham. The girls especially love to play with this because it’s authentic.
So, I was happy to find these orders from one of their “restaurant” sessions last week.
Whoever was seating in Seat #1 clearly knows how to live life to the fullest by ordering one ice cream, three pieces of cake and three donuts.
The patron at Seat #2 is far more conscientious about her dental hygiene seeing as she ordered a toothbrush to go along with her chocolate bar. {If I’m not doing anything else right as a parent, at least there’s that}.
Our diner at Seat #3 is playing it safe with both a vanilla and a strawberry… ice cream?
But, the mystery patron at Seat #4 is my favorite. She kept it simple with a Sutter Home. White, red, it doesn’t matter. Just bring her a glass.
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