There are few places where I have more good memories of time spent with my dad than here at Hilton Head. This was his beloved retreat from the real world, and he was more relaxed and perhaps more himself here than anywhere. I’m not sure that I’ll ever grasp how stressful his job was at home, but I’ll never forget how glad he was to be with his family for a week each summer at the beach… especially this beach.
Dad spent a lot of time here on this island waiting for us while we shopped, waiting for us while we took a tennis clinic, waiting for us to get ready for dinner. Something about simply being here must have made the waiting more bearable because he seemed glad to do it. I have so many vivid memories of him having fun here on the bike trails, at favorite restaurants, at certain putt-putt places, and so on. He was at home and at peace here, and he loved few things more than visiting this familiar shore with family and friends.
So, now, as I enjoy a week here with our crew, it’s bittersweet to do so knowing that a part of our family is missing. The very one who would have enjoyed it most. I can’t help but think about what he would have been doing each day when we hop on our bikes, each time we drive by the tennis courts, each night we eat at a familiar restaurant, and each time we take a family picture. He’s missing so much. And, yet, I know… our limited perspective keeps us from understanding how much he has gained.
I’m so thankful Dad introduced us to this place and gave us the opportunity to come together all those years. And, I sure hope he can see his granddaughters now enjoying it as much as he did. They may not yet have an appropriate appreciation for relaxing with a good book on the beach or eating fresh seafood, but they know how to have a good time here, no less.
The Preschooler has totally mastered lounging by the pool… {the only thing missing from this picture is the Capri Sun and chocolate covered pretzels she inhaled a few minutes prior to me snapping this}…
And, the Toddler has an obsession with the pool despite the fact that the water temperature is frigid…
Two laps around the petting zoo go by incredibly fast on a Shetland pony. Still, it was great fun to her.
I would have more pictures, including pictures of the actual beach, if I ever had my camera available in those moments. Unfortunately, though, the camera bag is often forgotten somewhere between applying sunscreen, finding everyone’s flip flops, and gathering the giant tote bag, the cooler, the snacks, the backpack, the towels, the sand buckets, the beach chairs, and the girls. And, then, someone remembers they need to go to the potty. It’s a wonder we ever get anywhere…
I do have high hopes for taking some beach pictures tomorrow. I also have high hopes that it will be warm enough to wear a swimsuit instead of a hoodie on the beach tomorrow…
Hi Hollie! I had so much fun with you all when we went to Hilton Head Island. I think we were like 13 years old? I think your brother might have been the same age as the preschooler. How crazy is that? I hope you all are having a great time this week. <3 Julie
Julie, I remember that trip well! I think that's when we discovered mahi-mahi 🙂 It's hard to believe that Jonathan was that young, but you're right. Two decades makes a difference! Hope you all had fun with Don and Melody this week!
I wish I had checked this before we left…we were just down from you over on Fripp Island! Was a bit chilly. I totally understand the packing and repacking…hope you all had fun.