Here are some of my favorite pictures as of late, in random order…
First, we have a diaper change being performed by Toddler 2:
Do you know how much easier it would be to change a dirty diaper if I could just turn the child upside down and let it stand on its head for a few minutes while I took care of matters? I see glimmers of brilliance here.
Next we have photos of my two (out of three) favorite plants after this weekend’s frost. I’d like to title these photos: Negligence.
I mean it was chilly, but it’s not like it snowed or anything. Apparently the worker at Mayo Garden Center wasn’t kidding around when she said it would be important to remember to bring the plants in whenever we had our first frost. Now I understand the purpose of the FREEZE warning that they flash on Channel 10 occasionally. In my defense… we had a busy weekend, and I didn’t catch the news on Saturday. Fortunately there’s no such thing as DHS for plants, because I’d be in custody if there were. I haven’t brought myself to throw these two plants out yet just in case there’s some sort of chance of a miraculous revival during this week’s 70-plus degree weather. You just never know what a little sun might do…
Next we have a photo I came across this weekend when I was browsing through my mom’s workwear catalog. She’s in the market for some new scrubs, and I was blown away by how cute and stylish they are these days. Case in point:
There’s so many things that could be said about this picture. I’ll just note that I had never thought about the importance of versatile, water-proof scrubs for those many times when the doctor has to climb rocks and fight the waves on his/her way to and from surgery. You know, as a patient, we’re so worried about the outcome of the procedure that we just don’t think about all the challenges that went into getting there…
I also enjoyed these:
If this is what doctors and nurses get to do and see on their break, I think I want to go back to school.
And, this one:
I don’t know what kind of hospitals or doctors’ offices you frequent, but to get to mine you have to go by land. Not so on this island. I think the message here is simple: It’s important to make healthcare accessible to everyone…
That’s all I’ve got for today. Hope you have a great one!
LOL! I guess these doctors and nurses live in FL. However, I very seldom see them out frolicing by the water. Julie