The girls start Mother’s Day Out and preschool this week. Needless to say, we’ve all been anticipating this glorious week for months now. I’m not sure who is more excited around here.
Since the preschool does a staggered start, only Toddler 2 got to go today. It’s really a perfect set-up, because this means that she gets to have her special day all to herself. When you’re the second child and only eighteen months younger than the firstborn, there aren’t too many moments that you can claim as truly yours. So, this morning was special, and she knew it.
Unfortunately, Toddler 2 thought her big sister would be joining her in her little class, and the realization that things wouldn’t be going that way proved a little unsettling for her. (Afternoon rest time with a mat on the floor may be shocking as well). But, we waited in the hall for a few minutes and the drama ceased in record time. I think she started noticing all the fun toys and remembered how excited she was to be there.
Oh, to have such unbridled joy for new adventures…for things like and sinks and water fountains…for swings and slides…for story time and finger paints…for new friends and new lessons.
There’s a lot I could learn about joy from an almost-2-year-old…
I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders. I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I’m singing your song, High God.
(Psalm 9:1-2; The Message)
What a cutie! The first day of school is my favorite!
Thanks, Beth! First days are fun days 🙂