The Preschooler was reading through a book of nursery rhymes she found in the car this weekend, and I listened with fascination as she recited her original version of “There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.” Here it is, in her own words:
I think she gets the gist of the poem.
I also think these nursery rhymes of old are highly overrated and tend to be a little on the tragic side. Have you read any lately? Consider all the misfortune…
• Jack fell down and broke his crown
• Little Bo-peep lost her sheep
• Little Miss Muffett’s meal was ruined by a “spider that sat down beside her”
• Georgie Porgie ran away
• Old Mother Hubbard had a bare cupboard (therefore, her dog starved)
• Lucy Locket lost her pocket
• Peter Peter put his poor wife in a pumpkin shell
• Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (after which he couldn’t be reassembled)
And, if the nursery rhymes aren’t sad enough, then there’s my least favorite children’s story of all-time…
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. As you know, things only got worse after the fly, and the ending is catastrophic.
I think it’s time for some more uplifting and inspiring children’s literature around here… maybe some Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein tonight…
Ummm… don't you remember the Shel Silverstein poem "Sister For Sale?"… just saying ;o)
By the way, LOVE the phot of you. Very cute. Perfect.
Oh, dear. I forgot about that one. Maybe we'll just stick with Dr. Seuss for now…
And, thanks! Photoshop is my new best friend 😉