The Preschooler has developed an interest in all things European lately. At least once a day she’ll say, “I wish we lived in London.” Other times she’s more drawn to France and will talk about Paris and the “awful tower” {Eiffel Tower} as she asks me how to say various words in French. I wish I could be of more help to her as she daydreams about living in Europe, but I took Spanish in high school and college and have no idea how to say “gymnastics” or “muddy puddle” in French. Bonjour is about as far as I can go with her. All of this to say, I shouldn’t be surprised that we had this conversation earlier this week:
Preschooler: Why did you name me Caroline?
Me: We just liked that name.
Preschooler: Well, I wish you had named me Madame Gazelle.
Call us boring, but I don’t remember that one being on the list of names we were considering. But, knowing what I know now of her personality, maybe it should have been.
I was wondering where she had heard such a fancy name, and then I discovered that Madame Gazelle is one of the main characters on her beloved British show Peppa Pig.
Apparently Madame Gazelle is a teacher who plays in a rock band and also has an interest in ballet and skiing. So, she sounds like a very well-rounded gazelle. I suppose there could be worse names one could aspire to have.
Speaking of European influences and names, the 2nd Grader came home yesterday talking about what she had learned in music class.
2nd Grader: Do you know Bach?
Me {assuming she was talking about someone at school}: Bach who?
2nd Grader: Umm… I think his name was Bach Sebastian.
Me: Oh, you mean Johann Sebastian Bach?
2nd Grader: Yeah, yeah. That’s him.
Me: Yes, I know who you’re talking about. He wrote lots of great music.
2nd Grader: Yeah. And, wasn’t he the President of the United States?
Me: Umm, no. He lived in Germany.
2nd Grader: Well, his hair looks like one of the old Presidents.
I’ll give her that. I can see some resemblance to George Washington or John Adams. The powdered wig look of the mid-1700’s was probably not man’s finest hour in terms of hair. Of course, considering the hairstyle of our current President, I think it could be argued that 2017 will not go down as its finest hour in the hair department either. Surely both parties can reach agreement on that matter.
Besides discussing European pigs and wigs, I’ve been trying to get outside some on these brisk afternoons to let both the Preschooler and the dog work off some of their energy. Normally I wouldn’t be one to take walks in January. But, I have to say after doing it a couple of times this week, there’s something refreshing about being outside even when the air is cold and the wind is wild.
Of course, every few hundred yards or so Rosie sees a dog and strikes her signature “I’m a person and only have two legs” pose until the dog is out of sight. I’m convinced she has two life goals: 1) to become a human and 2) to embarrass us.
So, these walks can hardly be considered exercise with all the unnecessary stops and staring and redirecting that goes on. Still, I think they might be good for the soul. And, if J.B. Yeats was right when he said, “Americans never walk. In winter too cold and in summer too hot,” then the Preschooler might be onto something. We must be European after all.
Au revoir for now.
Your girls are getting a well-rounded knowledge of life in general! Most children don’t think out of their own environments! You’re doing a lot right. Yes, and he does look like Geo. Washington! She’s right!