I came across a box of old trophies in our attic recently. The lid was so dusty I was afraid to open it for fear of what might crawl out. I went to a small elementary school and an average size middle school and high school. Like many firstborn children do, I put a lot of stock in … [Read more...]
An Easter thought
I was sitting at a middle school track meet last night and could feel my heart jump every time the starter fired his pistol into the air. There is no universe in which that sound should conjure up the fears and images it does. But here we are on the heels of a hard and heartbreaking week for our … [Read more...]
On finding your calling
I’ll confess: I’ve always been envious of people who know their gifting and chase hard after what they feel they were put on earth to do. For the past few years my husband and I have wrestled with our vocational lives in somewhat dramatic fashion. We have bought and sold a business, launched a … [Read more...]
What the middle years of parenting need most
Our oldest turned sixteen this past weekend. In the blink of an eye we’ve traded nap times and princess dresses for practice drives and formal dresses. Now days I find lip gloss and hair ties instead of crayons and cheerios in the crevices of my car. We’re settling into the middle years of … [Read more...]