The Spouse has started a new fitness regimen this summer. Whenever he has a chance to get to the gym, he likes to swim laps. And, on the weekends, the Preschooler thinks it’s great fun to sit on the bleachers and watch him swim the lanes. Hopefully, this will encourage her in her own swimming endeavors, too. {As a side note, due to a couple of dramatic incidents involving the Toddler and attempts to jump into the deep end of the YMCA pool fully clothed and/or during the senior water aerobics class, she is temporarily unable to be in the pool area}.
Anyway… the only downside of this whole lap swimming for exercise idea is that it requires a little more preparation {and laundry} than just a basic workout on the treadmill or in the weight room. You have to pack a swimsuit, a towel, flip flops, goggles, etc. For the most part, the Spouse has the routine down. And, I try to keep our beach towels clean and ready to go so he can throw one in his bag when he needs it. But, this past weekend, I must have been behind on the laundry {imagine}, and he expressed a bit of disappointment about having to use this to dry off…
Sure, it’s a Vera Bradley towel and they tend to be a little feminine in their styling. But, hey, it’s blue and green. And, it’s by far the most absorbent towel we own. {Don’t worry. The bag is mine, not his}.
So, this week I’m telling myself to pay closer attention to the order in which I do the laundry so as to always keep a more manly towel clean and dry.
Last night, the Spouse happened to mention that he thinks he should use a kick board to add some leg work to his swimming routine. Would you believe that I have the perfect solution?
Nothing would make the Preschooler more proud than to see her Daddy using this in the water. And, I even think it would fit in the side pocket of his gym bag.
Poor Spouse. I think I’m way funnier than he thinks I am.
When you’re out shopping this summer, let me know if you spot any manly towels, kick boards, or other swim accessories we could add to our collection. The Spouse thanks you in advance.
oh my gosh Hollie! That is too funny! You have to email or text of picture of the kick board with the spouse. <3 Julie
For the record..I think you are hilarious. And the Dora board is awesome. Please convince him to use it!!
Thanks, Beth! I think the Dora board is perfect, and it's compact size would be so easy to transport. I keep sticking it in his bag when I put the clean, manly towels in there…