I’m going to blame the rain for my inability to stay up late enough to write a post this week. Something about consecutive dreary days makes 9 PM feel a lot more like midnight. But, tonight I had a cup of coffee and a piece of key lime pie {our new favorite vice from the Publix bakery}, and I’m feeling like the sugar rush might push me right on through the fog.
We haven’t had anything very eventful going on this month, for which I am thankful. But, the lack of activity and the extra time we spend indoors sometimes has an adverse effect on the girls. I’m a firm believer in the notion that children need outdoor play. So, when it’s not possible to spend a lot of time outside, we have to find alternative ways to release the energy. Which brings us to this dilemma…
The Kindergartener has been begging to take gymnastics for months now. I’ve been resistant to this for several reasons:
1) I’m not the least bit flexible and could never have been a gymnast. I’m afraid of heights, and I don’t like the sensation of falling. So, it’s just hard for me to understand how putting oneself in gravity-defying positions and in imminent danger on apparatuses like trampolines, beams, and high bars could be desirable.
2) It seems like taking gymnastics might encourage even more dangerous acrobatic behavior at home involving our furniture.
3) Injury seems inevitable. If we can break an arm in our own playroom, I can only imagine what might happen in a huge gym.
4) I’m all about lifetime sports… a sport one can play forever. Now, I’m not saying gymnastics doesn’t have tremendous fitness benefits. I’m not even saying one couldn’t still be doing back flips in mid-life. I just mean it’s not one of those things you call your 40-year old neighbor up and say, “Hey! I’m headed to the gym. Want to throw on a leotard on and go do some cartwheels?” That’s all I’m saying here. There are senior tennis leagues and golf groups, swim classes and running clubs, but you don’t see many women organizing tumbling tournaments for their neighborhood.
While all my reasons seem valid to me, the problem is the Kindergartener really, really wants to try this out. And, I want to give her a chance to experience it and decide for herself if it’s something she wants to pursue, despite my qualms. I’d hate to have the next Gabby Douglas living under our roof and never know it because I squashed her dream of being a gymnast. So, we may give it a shot.
Meanwhile, the Preschooler has been taking a little class at what I would describe as an introductory gym. Rather than emphasizing advanced skills, the focus is more on building confidence and coordination in younger children. The Kindergartener took there, too, when she was younger and thoroughly enjoyed it. But, this year it has been something special the Preschooler can do on her own. And, she’s learned so much. There have been a couple of instances where I’ve seen her put her hands on her hips and snarl at one of the little boys in the class for getting in the way of her beam routine. But, for the most part, it’s been smooth sailing. And, she was pretty proud to show off some of her skills on “Parent Day” earlier this week:
And, of course, the Baby witnesses all of this gymnastics stuff and can’t wait to mimic it at home. This is her clapping for herself after figuring out how to mount the stool. Now she moves it around to various places where she needs the extra lift to climb onto something higher. I’m pretty sure this is not what Fisher Price had in mind when they made the vanity stool.
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