Well, since it’s now the first full week of January, it doesn’t feel right to do a holiday recap. And, this year I tried to do a little more participating in the moments than documenting of the moments. So, my picture pickings are slim. But, of course there are always a few that I need to talk about so I’ll remember this stuff a few months and years from now.
Right now, the one thing all three girls enjoy doing together is dancing flopping around the foyer as if they are professional dancers and/or figure skaters. So, they couldn’t wait to try on the leotards Santa left them. {This picture reminds me that when the Kindergartener was a toddler she always referred to leotards as “pink darlings.” To this day, we have no idea why the strange word association}.
And, what performance outfit would be complete without a liberal application of blue eye shadow and pink lipstick? For the record, she specifically referred to this as “just a little bit” of makeup. Heaven help me before the teen years. No joke, I think I could still see a trace of that blue this morning.
Since they have been practicing their technique so much in the foyer, the girls have been begging to go ice skating for the past few months. So, over the weekend we took the older two to let them get their feel for the sport. The 2nd Grader had been once before, but it was a big first for the Kindergartener.
This is before. All smiles and nervous excitement.
This is during. Pouting because, as it turns out, gliding on the ice is challenging.
She kept telling me, “You’re messing me up! You’re making me fall!” And, all I can say is that I don’t think I was totally responsible for her troubles. I’m not a great skater. But, I have one simple rule that applies to winter sports like ice skating and snow-skiing. And, that rule is this: never fall. I may flail around and skate/ski out of control, but I rarely fall. Do you know why? Because falling hurts. And, I don’t believe in paying to get hurt. So, it’s very trying when your goal is to stay standing and your “partner” is holding and/or pulling on your right arm for dear life as she grasps for balance.
I’ve concluded this. I can teach my kids how to use the potty, tie their shoes, maybe even ride a bike. But, I am completely unable to teach them how to skate on ice. If they want to master this skill, we’re going to need to enlist the help of a professional.
Even the Spouse concurs on this one. This is his after picture.
Ice skating is hard. And cold. And tiring. And, we have no idea how those Olympic skaters/dancers make it look effortless, let alone artistic. We are now, more than ever, in awe of their athleticism.
And, speaking of athleticism… Tinkerbell {who did not get to go ice-skating just yet} has been stepping it up on her workout regimen since the start of the new year. Even fairies have to do some occasional strength training, you know.
And, when she’s not busy working on her biceps, she’s been working her lungs out on her new microphone. Of course it has an overused “applause” button, as well.
I’m not sure what Santa was thinking with this gift. I suspect he was tired and on a caffeine high when he chose it because… what three-year old needs a source of amplification? Now, though, when she’s hungry I can hear, “I need a snack!!” reverberating throughout the whole house.
It’s so helpful.
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