So, I’ve never written a blog before. But, I want to try. As a SAHM with two toddlers, I’ve decided this might be the perfect solution for a creative outlet that doesn’t require me to do anything too daring or extreme. And, as a plus, it will engage my mind a little… not that reading Llama, Llama stories upside down or changing a diaper in the back of a car with a heat index of 105 doesn’t engage a mind.
Anyway… As with most all my bigger decisions, I’ve researched this to death and nearly talked myself out of starting one a hundred times. I’m not sure I’m interesting or funny enough to actually attract readers beyond my immediate family (I’m just assuming they’ll read to be nice). I’m certainly not informed enough about pop culture in this season to comment on much there. And, I feel confident that my day-to-day adventures are not all that entertaining to any sort of mass audience. But, I figure I can at least force myself to get some things written down this way that I’ll surely be glad to look back on, and maybe laugh back on later.
So, I’m not quite sure where to start, but I feel like this verse I stumbled upon a few weeks ago is pretty fitting. As often happens when I read, oh,… about any passage in The Message, I ask myself: “Is that really in there?” Well, I checked and it is (as always):
“Pray that our God will make you fit for what he’s called you to be, pray that he’ll fill your good ideas and acts of faith with his own energy so that it all amounts to something. If your life honors the name of Jesus, he will honor you.”
(2 Thessalonians 1:11-12)
How’s that for a life-verse? Thank you, Mr. Peterson, for making another piece of Scripture so alive, so relevant, so powerful. I think I’ll just claim this passage as a starting place for this endeavor of blogging. I’ll be praying that God will fill my “good ideas” (or at least give me some!) with His energy so that this will amount to something more than random, glory-seeking wonderings. And, I’ll try to do it in such a way that His name will be honored. God help me 🙂
I think you're very interesting and funny…Thanks for the encouraging verse 😉
Anyone who can reference Llama, Llama is a winner in my book ;o)
I also love the verse. I might just have to invest in a The Message bible afterall.
GREAT verse…. and a very intriguing blog beginning, I'm glad you've started this!
welcome to the blogger world. it's like anything else. some days you feel like you've brought the greatest thought ever. and then other days…
hope you find it a rewarding experience.
This is a wonderful idea! I've never gone into blogs before so this is new to me too. I may someday pick up enough courage to do my own.