The other day the 2nd Grader mentioned to me that she told one of the moms who was working in her classroom that I am an artist. In the technical sense, I am no more a professional artist than the Spouse is an American Ninja Warrior {as she misled her first grade teacher to believe last year}. But, this is definitely an improvement over her telling me in Kindergarten how she was exhausted and maybe someday I could relate if I ever {and I quote}, “got a real job.” I’ve come a long way in two years!
I’ve found that I’m a better mom when I balance my parenting responsibilities with some sort of creative outlet. So, for that reason, I keep this blog, do a tiny bit of freelance writing/design work, and maintain a very small Etsy shop on the side. I’m not at all comfortable with promoting it among people I know in real life, but the Spouse reminds me it’s silly to spend time on things only to “hide them under a bushel tree.” So, just this once…
This week I worked on a little line of black and white prints that incorporate a scripture {or hymn} with a vintage image {primarily from very old books}. If you have any interest in perusing those, they’re pictured below and can be seen in more detail at this link
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