I stumbled upon this quote yesterday, and I decided it was worth printing, framing, and placing right next to my computer where I can see it several times a day as a little source of encouragement.
Sometimes I get so frustrated with my inability to really do anything that {seemingly} matters these days. So much of my time seems to be spent doing mundane things over and over. And, when I’m feeling especially prideful, I can even start to think that my responsibilities as a mom are getting in the way of the “great and noble tasks” I should and would be accomplishing otherwise. I’m not sure what specific greatness or success I think I would be achieving if I had the freedom to pursue every dream or goal I’ve ever imagined for myself, but it’s easy to look around and feel like I’m missing out on any opportunity to do something significant or impact the world around me. What am I doing with my education? How am I using my gifts? Where am I serving in our church? What am I doing to add value and beauty to my community? And, so on… And, I don’t have good answers for those questions.
I get bored with the sameness of my days. I get frustrated with my general lack of productivity. I get discouraged by my failures to be and do what this season demands with grace and gentleness. How can I be tired at night when all I’ve done all day is kept the people under my care semi-dressed, halfway fed, and fairly safe? It can sure seem like I’m just surviving.
Yet, I read this quote and I’m reminded that maybe it’s the humble little tasks that I do over and over that somehow eventually come together to make a difference… to be the very thing that impacts the world around me. Maybe doing the mundane with the right spirit is the “great and noble” call that I need to embrace right now. And, maybe there can even be great joy and fulfillment in doing the humble stuff, the everyday stuff, when I relax {this part is really hard!} and step back far enough to catch a glimpse of the big picture. Tiny pushes can add up to have a big impact. And, we have a God that sees every little push.
Here, here!!!
Oh how Satan tempts us! He would love nothing more than to discourage you dear friend with the very meaningful, though seemingly simple tasks that are your and every stay-at-home mommy's tasks.
I am glad you found encouragement in the quote. You are doing something many will not do but is SO worth it in the end. Like anything worthwhile, it may take years before the success you long to feel is evident.
Look at how creative your girls are! If you weren't you, doing your daily mundane tasks, they would never have the chance to come up with a UT Vols wedding dress or don last year's swimsuit with such pride.
Satan finds no success in that because you are doing what you ought and should do…be the mother of the two precious gifts gifted to you by our wonderful Creator! He wants to discourage you from this task in whatever way he can…stand firm…you are succeeding in more ways than can be measured by certificate or degree. 🙂
With the same struggles I encourage you,
BVS: I do think the spiritual warfare is real. As always, thanks for the encouragement!