As we approach the mid-week point of our Disney adventure, I have a few observations:
1. The double-stroller is to our experience here as oxygen is to life. E-ssential.
2. I’m seriously out of shape. It’s Tuesday, and my legs are sore in places I didn’t know I had muscles. Or, maybe I don’t have muscles there… regardless, someone needs a treadmill and a plan when she returns home.
3. When a Disney attendant tells you that a ride “isn’t scary at all,” they are evidently not familiar with the type of sensitivities we deal with in our family. Even if it is a story about Nemo, total darkness and a 3-dimensional shark swimming straight toward us translated into a terrifying few moments in our “clam-mobile.” Thankfully, Donald Duck’s Mexican boat excursion redeemed our Epcot experience. As Toddler 2 put it, “that was pun.”
4. My child can run faster than me. Much faster. (See observation #2). And, when she’s having a good time exploring, she doesn’t care whether I’m behind her, ahead or her, under her, or even in the park with her. It’s just her and the playground… or, in this case, her and the “spider-web.”
6. I have never, ever been able to get the girls to sleep in their stroller. But, at last… naptime defiance has met its match.
This is so funny and I love the pictures. What a great post. I am visualizing a picture of Matt and Meredith squatting down next to you out on the plaza at 30 Rock. Thank you for entertaining me during my lunch break!
Oh, how Jonathan and I wish we were there! This post made my day. Hope y'all are enjoying the weather- and can't wait to see pictures. Jonathan showed me the video Kendrick sent- too precious! Give the girls a big hug for me (and hope Blakeley enjoyed her makeover :)!
Ashley: can't wait to catch up with you next week and fill you in on some of the trip highlights. You wouldn't believe the emphasis they put on the princess thing here. Dove would not approve…
Katie: we so wish you and Jonathan could have been here, too! The weather has been surprisingly cold, but still much warmer than home. I'll send you and J a link to some pics next week. You two will definitely have to join us next time 🙂