I’ve realized lately that I might have an obsessive relationship with Google. It’s not that I consciously think about it or use it in an obsessive way. It’s more just that I can’t really imagine my life without it. I use it almost every single day for one reason or another. And, in my role as a mother, I’m certain I would be lost without it.
I drive the Spouse crazy with my googling, especially when it comes to medical matters. As we all know, if it’s on Google, then it has to be true. I mean, we barely need doctors anymore. {Actually, due to the anxiety I was capable of creating by browsing, I was forbidden by the Spouse, my obstetrician, and our pediatrician to use Google during my pregnancy with the Preschooler and at various points in her infancy. Some people are so anti-technology… }
Here’s what I find so incredible about Google. You can type almost anything in the search bar at the top of the page and discover that someone else has searched for the same thing. Here are some examples of searches from my own Google history during the last four years or so:
“baby won’t sleep more than two hours”
“baby projectile spits up”
“baby has one pupil slightly larger than the other”
“sleep deprivation”
“14 month old jumps out of crib”
“18 month old puts rocks in mouth”
“toddler won’t sleep in own bed”
“toddler puts everything in mouth”
“toddler swallows a penny”
“toddler gags herself”
“potty-training tips for toddlers”
“toddler tantrums”
“toddler bangs head on the floor when mad”
“how to put Barbie head back on”
“toy stuck in busy ball popper”
“how to remove pen marks on walls”
“how to remove nail polish from carpet”
“first aid for pump knots”
“sibling rivalry in young children”
“hyperactivity in preschoolers”
“discipline tips for preschoolers”
“what to do when time out doesn’t work”
“alternatives to spanking”
“Bible verses for preschoolers”
“Bible verses for moms of preschoolers”
I’m embarrassed to admit it, but this is only a very small sampling of my searches.
I’m sure you think I’m crazy. But, that’s the beautiful thing about Google. It connects all of us crazies with each other. In the amount of time it takes me to type in my question or concern, I can see where other people all over the world {or sometimes just one other person somewhere in the world} have worried about the same thing. It’s strangely comforting.
Here’s what I can’t seem to wrap my mind around. How did we survive before Google? Did people have to actually talk to other people about this stuff? Imagine the energy that would have required. And, the embarrassment. Not to mention that I would be so under-informed. I would have no idea which rare and bizarre diseases I should be worrying about right now. I might even have to call a neighbor or a friend about a concern. Heaven forbid. Worse yet, I might have to pray about something. Oh. the. hassle.
So, today, I’m confessing my addiction to the amazing creation that is the Google search engine. And I’m doing so in hopes that I might be able to back off the searching just a tad. It’s an incredible resource and one our generation is fortunate to have at its fingertips. Obviously, I love Google. But, maybe I should ask myself what it might sometimes be replacing… like real conversation and interaction … with real people…
we are one in the same! I just gave myself heart palpaltations googling something for MC. (Which we just went to the Dr. for last week…) I was basically on my way to the ER when I got on your blog instead. Oh, how you have calmed my spirit! Glad I'm not the only one out there….:)
Beth: I use google to calm myself or to scare myself half to death all the time. So glad I could bring some calm in this instance. BTW… I want to come see MC in person soon… I just don't want to have my whole crew in tow!