For the past few years, really ever since we’ve been married, the Spouse and I have struggled to find our place in the local church. Though we grew up in different cities, our church backgrounds are similar. We were both raised in children’s choirs and Sunday School, were shaped by our youth group experiences as teenagers, and had a long history of being actively involved in our respective home churches. But, when we got married, a number of circumstances made it difficult to settle into church and find our place of service in a way that felt right and purposeful for us as a married couple. So, we did what scores of young married’s do, and we bounced around, all non-committal and free-spirited for a few years. Now, five years and two kids later, we’re much more settled but still not as plugged in as we’d like to be.
We have found a place to worship where we are challenged, convicted, encouraged, inspired, and comforted by scriptural sermons and corporate praise. We have found a place where we know our girls are well taken care of and taught solid Bible lessons in their own classes. We have found a place where God is blessing a long list of ministries and programs that aim to help people, nurture people, disciple people, and involve people in the bigger mission of the universal Church. We have found a place to go and belong and become as active as our time and energy and willingness permits.
But, what we have not found is community in the way both the Spouse and I have known it in the past–the kind of community that makes the local church so significant. Of course, that takes time. Of course, that takes investment and commitment. And, of course, deep-spirited community exists there. I can see evidence of it all over the place. We simply aren’t in deep enough to experience it personally yet.
All this to say… I miss church as I knew it. I miss knowing people and families and feeling connected to them and their stories. I miss fellowship meals and weekend-long retreats. I miss feeling a sense of ownership of and hands-on involvement in the mission and activities of an organization I care deeply about.
I love the local church. I love the kind of imperfect community it is capable of producing and the way that community impacts those who are a part of it and those who are witnesses to its love and deeds in action. I want so badly for my children to experience that kind of community that I will continue to pursue it for their sake, if not selfishly for my own. I think life is more bearable, more interesting, more profound… and much more fun with it and in it.
There is a song by one of my favorite artists that always makes me think longingly about the real purpose of the local church. I think this song really captures something of its beauty and of our highest calling as church people. You can listen to it here. The Nockels (formerly Watermark) are incredibly gifted in both their writing and their performing. So, enjoy… and, enjoy the weekend!!
If you can’t link directly to the song, the lyrics are below:
Brothers, let us come together
Walking in the Spirit, there’s much to be done…
We will come reaching, out from our comforts
And they will know us by our love…
Sisters, we were made for kindness
We can pierce the darkness as He shines through us…
We will come reaching, with a song of healing…
And they will know us by our love!
The time is now
Come Church arise…
Love with His hands
See with His eyes…
Bind it around you,
Let it never leave you,
And they will know us by our love…
Children, You are hope for justice,
Stand firm in the Truth now, set your hearts above
You will be reaching, long after we’re gone,
And they will know you by your love!
Written by Christy Nockels
© 2009 Songs / sixsteps Music
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