Last week when Peter Pan Live! aired on television, the girls were so excited to watch it. Even after they saw the original broadcast, they wanted to watch highlights from it again over the weekend. I think it blew their minds that Peter Pan was played by a female. The Toddler was particularly mesmerized by Peter’s ability to fly. In fact, as she was sitting in her highchair having her breakfast on Sunday morning {she has to use the highchair right now to keep her food a safe distance away from Rosie the dog}, she decided she would just spontaneously jump up and take flight.
This is the part where the Spouse caught her and explained that she can’t actually fly.
To say she was disappointed would be a serious understatement. Also, she tried again later in the day to jump off the arm of the couch as she was still not totally convinced she lacks this super power. I heard a huge thud from the other room as she yelled in frustration, “I can’t fly!!”
So, we’ll be taking a brief hiatus from watching Peter Pan.
But, speaking of Peter and pirates and the like…
I’ve done the majority of my Christmas shopping online in recent years. That will especially be the case this year since shopping with the Toddler is very much like shopping with Buddy the Elf. It’s fun, only very inefficient. So, for several nights this week I’ve stayed up late working on projects on the computer, specifically putting together a photo book on Shutterfly. If you’ve ever ordered photo books online before, you know how much time you have to spend staring at the screen while you locate and place all the digital photos onto the pages of the book. And, I tend to take way too many pictures throughout the year and then attempt to do a whole year at a time, so it takes forever to organize them.
All that to say, yesterday I woke up with what I think must be a strained eye. I couldn’t keep my right eye open and it was pouring water. So, I diagnosed it as eye strain from over-use of the computer. The Spouse says it’s a bad case of “Shutter-eye.”
Whatever the case, he thought it would be helpful if I put a patch over it. Generally speaking, I really don’t like to draw attention in public places. The Toddler draws plenty of it as is. So, I wasn’t at all fond of the idea of a sporting an eye patch. But, I was having a lot of trouble keeping that eye open so I checked the Target pharmacy to see if they might have an inconspicuous one.
Would you believe that they were out of eye patches?
In fact, the pharmacist said when they do have them in stock they keep them behind the counter. What? Do people abuse these things??
Then, adding to my surprise, the pharmacy where the Spouse was working yesterday was also out of eye patches.
Evidently, they must be in high demand at this time of year. I’m not sure if they’re a popular gift item or if I’m just one of many people afflicted with Shutterfly-induced eye strain.
Eventually, the Spouse was able to find a patch at another drugstore and he brought it home for me to use. It’s huge and black and concave and it straps all the way around my head. There’s not a thing inconspicuous about it. But, he says it’s the only one they had. {Again, high demand?}
The girls think it’s awesome. And, it would be if I were going to a costume party as a pirate.
Last night I aimed for a more reasonable bedtime. That didn’t fix it. So, today, I’m sitting in the lobby of the eye doctor’s office hoping for a simple remedy to the squinting, watering eye.
Maybe I’ll get out of here without a patch. If not, “Yo, ho, ho, maties!”
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