Amidst the hustle bustle of the season and our continuing attempts to get the house in order while keeping the girls from harming each other, we’ve had a l-o-n-g week. So… in no particular order, here are a few random highlights as captured in pictures from my phone.
I really thought that last year would be our most challenging year with the tree. But, apparently, a certain 3-year old is far more interested in removing ornaments this year than she ever thought about being when she was two.
This was not the first time that Jackie O. has been caught in the act of rearranging…
She’s particularly obsessed with a little jack-in-the-box ornament that is highly unlikely to survive the season. I moved it up higher on the tree for a few days, but that resulted in the Preschooler hauling her stool into the room so she could reach it and get it down for the Toddler. They’re a risk-taking duo.
And, speaking of jack-in-the-box type surprises…
My mom has a new seasonal decoration in her guest bathroom that she thought her granddaughters would enjoy. Meet “Jolly in the John”:
He’s motion-activated, and when he senses you’ve entered the room, he belts out a little tune or a wisecrack. Even though I know he’s in there, it’s completely alarming to me every single time. Toys like this are not designed for the high-strung amongst us.
Moving on…
Here, we have our second attempt at a Santa photo when he made an appearance at a neighborhood event:
Once again, the Toddler was less than cooperative with the camera. She was really only there for the cookies…
And, lastly, I snapped this shot of the Baby thoroughly enjoying her trip to the doctor’s office for her two-month old check-up…
For some reason, all three of our children think that going to the doctor is like going to the park. They love it. I think it might have something to do with the suckers. And, maybe the attention they get there. What does this say about my parenting? Hmmm…
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!
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