I have read some great blog posts lately. Posts that are inspiring and challenging and moving. Posts that make me want to grab hold of 2012 and resolve to be a better friend, a more patient mom, a more attentive spouse. Posts that make me think. Posts that stir up fresh energy in me for the roles I play and the responsibilities I carry. Yep… I have read some good writing lately.
Warning: this will not be in that category.
No, all I’ve got is a few photos from my phone and some corny captions. So, without further adieu…
It’s a good thing that Baby C is not my accountability partner in the gym {if I were to actually go to the gym} because so far she has exhibited absolutely no interest in personal fitness. In fact, this is how I often find her a few minutes into her floor exercises:
Sadly, I can relate all to well to how she feels about working her core. And, music and a little mirror dangling above your head doesn’t make it any more exciting.
And, while I’m on the topic of the Baby… she isn’t yet a huge fan of her baths. In fact, I would describe her as fearful before, during, and shortly after the whole bathing experience:
I’m not sure if it’s so much the actual bath that has her alarmed as it is her bathing assistants {in the form of the Toddler and the Preschooler}. You might be scared, too, if people grabbed stools and hovered over you yelling, “Is she gonna pee this time? Is she gonna pee?” throughout the entire process.
Bathing and primping are a favorite activity of the Preschooler lately. I don’t know what the source of her concern is, but she’s particularly interested in her hair right now. Yesterday at lunch she told me {with absolutely no context}:
“My hair is just a big mess in the mornings. It’s like there’s a mountain on top of my head.”
Again, sadly, I can completely relate. She comes by it honest. And, sometimes only a cape will do.
And, I will close with one of my favorite recent quotes from the Preschooler…
The Preschooler {talking about her sister, the Toddler}: I’m so tired of teaching her stuff. I just wish she knew everything.
Me, too, Preschooler. Me, too.
It’s exhausting to know it all.
MC doesn't seem to love the "gym" either…she basically screams after about 1 minute there. similiar to me….
Beth: Maybe MC and C could be accountability partners in the "gym" 🙂 Hope you're doing well and enjoying your first weeks of motherhood. Can't wait to see some pictures of MC. It's time you started a blog!