The girls have begged for the past couple of years to make a gingerbread house. I’ve dabbled in just enough crafting with them to know better than to attempt such a feat. But, this year I found a little gingerbread house kit on a great deal and thought we could give it a try.
The oldest two take after their mother and are very serious about projects of this nature. The youngest, as with most everything she does, is there to have a good time. So, the problems began early on when she discovered the kit came with candy. I explained that we would be using the candy as decoration rather than as snacks. This came as very disappointing news to her, so she refused to smile for my pictures.
Next year, I will call in backup to help with the house assembly. And, I will also buy extra gumdrops so the 1st Grader will be able to complete her landscaping “bushes” at the front of the house without fear of them being eaten before they are planted.
In non-Christmas related news, the 3rd Grader has started basketball for the first time this season. Since kids start specializing in sports in preschool these days, she is the only person on the team who has never played before. She’s also the smallest person on the team, but what she lacks in height she makes up for in enthusiasm. She’s timid about the games, but she loves practice. Last week I asked…
Me: How was practice tonight?
Her: It was good.
Me: Did you get sweaty?
Her: No. It’s not like that. We just do a bunch of layouts.
Oh, I see. Layouts, layups… whatever. I’m just glad there was no sweating. We’ll save that for our next Christmas craft.
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