Some days I feel like I’m doing a decent job in my parenting. Other days, {like when my oldest suggests we steal a sweater rather than buy it since that would be a more efficient use of our time}, I feel more uncertain about the whole situation.
But, most any day, I would tell you I wish I could slow time down long enough to read a few more books, pray more specific prayers, take a couple of parenting classes, and learn some new tactics for doing this better. I could use more patience. More grace. A lot more wisdom.
Time marches on, of course. And, as we all know, there is no “rewind” button. Fortunately, every day is a new day. It’s just that every new day is full of hundreds of minutes that require quick thinking and on-the-spot decisions about what to say, how to react, and how to lead these little people whose character is developing as fast as their bodies are growing. And, on many of those days I’ve not had enough sleep, coffee, or reflection time to say and do the right thing on cue.
So, amidst the chaos of sibling arguments, tantrums, clutter, and trails of cracker crumbs that nearly send me sailing over the OCD cliff I teeter on, many times all I can utter is, “God, help me. Help them. Please, help us.”
And, you know what? I believe he hears me and all the others who may be whispering similar sentiments. And, I believe he answers. Not by taking away the challenges.
but more so by changing me.
Really, this is why I blog. I like that doing so forces me to pause just long enough to think about what has happened during the course of a day or a few days that was good, or funny, or fun. And, if I can dwell more on those things than on the fits people threw, the frustrations I felt, the messes we’ve amassed, or the mistakes I’ve made… I find just enough encouragement to do it all over again tomorrow.
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