In a recent post about my current clothing dilemma, I was a little harsh toward Ann Taylor. I was actually starting to feel bad for being so hard on Ann since I do have a fondness for her store and its faithfulness to pull me through many a wedding, bridal tea, rehearsal dinner, etc. in the past. But, then this arrived in the mail:
And, so then my remorse went away. I’m not sure where this woman is headed or what it is she’s communicating here, but, clearly, she knows how to accessorize. And, I suppose that’s supposed to distract one from the fact that her pants (or skirt or leggings or anything beneath the luxurious cashmere jacket) are mysteriously MIA. Perhaps the missing pieces of her outfit are part of the “exclusive offer inside.” One is left to wonder…
All this clothing talk, mixed with a streak of colder, wet weather, brings to mind my latest fashion concern as we head into fall and winter: outerwear. It’s been months since I’ve thought about it, but there’s nothing more fun or more important than some good fall and winter outerwear pieces. So, I did some looking, and I thought I’d share just a few of my favorite finds with you.
First, for those soon-to-be-here brisk mornings… the poncho.
Yes, it’s a new, posher take on the poncho. Not only is it oh-so-practical, it’s also a steal at $1,195. And, you might be able to get free shipping if you act fast.
Next, the vest. But, not just any vest… a Mongolian lamb vest. Now I knew you could order Mongolian beef at P.F. Chang’s, but I had no idea that you could order Mongolian lamb at J. Crew. I learn something new every day.
The website describes this as “the ultimate head-turning, statement making vest” And, who could argue? If you balk at $1100 for a poncho, you’ll be delighted to know this can be yours for $800. And, don’t forget about the free shipping.
Moving on… what rainy-day ensemble would be complete without rain boots? Here, country meets high style. These will be perfect for all those mornings when you have to trudge through knee-deep water to feed the chickens while the neighbors watch to see what you’re wearing.
If turquoise is not your color, fret not. These come in an array of styles and colors sure to suit anyone looking for a western alternative to the traditional rain boot.
See, shopping online is fun. Which reminds me…
I received several emails with some great suggestions as to places to shop for cute, practical clothes. A few of those stores are not local, but I’m excited to check out the websites and expand my fashion horizons in the near future. So, I appreciate the feedback. Given the vast amount of choices out there and our busy schedules, it’s all the more important that we share our findings with each other so as not to miss any of the season’s must-have items… just like the above-mentioned gems.
Happy Wednesday!
Love this article! Laughed because I could see you wearing the Mongolian Lamb to girls night! :)Kristen