Last weekend the Spouse and I tried to make some good use of the warm weather to begin our spring cleaning of the garage. This will, unfortunately, be an ongoing project the whole season, but we did at least get a jump start on it. Historically, we only tackle projects of this nature when forced to do so by circumstances like an impending move or a flood, so it’s always a little exciting to see what forgotten treasures we’ll uncover when we crack open the Rubbermaid bins that encircle our garage.
Not surprisingly, there were some great finds as we went along… a few old annuals, some puzzle pieces that have been MIA for months, a mysterious Jimmy Buffet songbook, a piece of our nativity set, some priceless old pictures, etc.
But, here is a picture of my favorite discovery of all. It will need an explanation…
Love the post…I laugh on every one! Thank you…I needed it today. 🙂