All I really need to know… I learned in kindergarten.
{Robert Fulghum}
This is the time of year when winter activities start to pick up at school. I feel like January is low-key and slow-paced, but February brings with it several family birthdays, Valentine’s Day, dances, class parties, etc. So, hopefully some of those activities will put some life back into what feels like a dreary winter. Really, the more I look at the elementary school calendar, it’s a shame the adult world doesn’t find more reasons to celebrate throughout the season with book fairs, author visits at the workplace, Dr. Seuss Day, field trips to museums, etc… I know “Pajama Day” might get out of hand, but a few of these events would make the winter so much more interesting.
To kick off the winter festivities, the Kindergartener celebrated the 100th day of school last week by dressing up as a 100-year old version of herself.
Unlike the 2nd Grader and the Toddler who both thinks it’s very exciting to dress up and act silly, the Kindergartener is far more reserved in public. So, she had some concerns about the whole thing, most especially when she learned her class would be parading around the school {to music} for all the other classrooms to see. To say she was distressed about the parade would be an understatement.
{Her socks are my favorite part of this picture}
In the end, she survived 100’s day and even enjoyed the themed crafts and snacks… just in time for this week’s observance of “Pajama Day.” The embarrassment continues.
In other Kindergartener related news… she has been so concerned that she hadn’t yet lost any of her teeth while her classmates seemed to be losing them left and right. But, finally, one of hers was loose enough to nearly fall out on its own over the weekend. She is so proud.
In her super serious fashion, she had major doubts about the validity of the Tooth Fairy. But, a little fairy dust and cash went a long way in convincing her that it might actually be fun to lose teeth. So, now she has started trying to loosen several others up.
The Kindergartener has never been a good sleeper. To this day, she wakes every night and comes to our room anywhere between midnight and 3:00 AM. So, I try to be especially careful not to let her watch anything that might further her bedtime anxiety or trigger bad dreams. But, some things are just out of my control. For example, when I picked the girls up from school the other day and we had this conversation:
The Kindergartener: Well, I’m probably going to have nightmares tonight.
Me: And, why is that?
The Kindergartener: The kids at school were talking about Roberts.
Me: Who is Roberts?
Her: You know, when people break into your house and take stuff.
The 2nd Grader: You mean robbers??
The Kindergartener: Yeah. Roberts.
So, be on the lookout. There are Roberts everywhere. I bet you might even know one!
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