Exactly one year ago today, after much encouragement from the Spouse, I started this blog from a little table at Panera. I created a generic template on Blogger, typed my first post, and nervously hit “publish.” At that time I wasn’t sure if anyone would ever read it, if I’d be persistent enough to stick with it, or what I’d even write about on here {many days I’m still not sure what it is I really write about…}. But, one year into this blogging endeavor, I can say that I’m so thankful for the outlet that it has become and the sense of community it has created with many of you.
About 75% of the time, I write my blog posts late at night {sometimes way too late at night} sitting in the “office” corner of our bonus room with only the computer screen lighting the room. Sometimes I can faintly hear Sportsenter or Man Vs. Wild or some war documentary on the History channel coming from the television downstairs. But, usually, it’s just dark and quiet. I most often try to write during these lonely, still minutes of my day… not because I’m hoping to be all serious and profound, but more so because I’m trying to decompress from the day. I do it mostly because I think it’s fun. And, because in the strangest way, it makes me feel connected to so many of you… regardless of age, geographical location, or life stage. It’s like a little community.
And, so, today, I just want to thank you for reading ~ whether you only read once, you read occasionally {like when you’re beyond bored with everything else available on the internet}, or you read faithfully as a subscriber or a regular visitor.
My mom {who, as a side note, does not read my blog unless I print it out and hand deliver it to her} once referred to blogs as “blobs.” This went on for some time until I convinced her that the word is “blog” as in b-l-o-g rather than b-l-o-b. Priceless. Some days it is just a blob. Of course, my late dad once referred to Google as Goggle… as in, “You should Goggle that when you get a chance and see what comes up.” He said it with such confidence, too, that my brother and I laughed until we cried about that one. All this to say, it’s a small wonder that I’m even able to manage the technology behind maintaining a blog when you consider how tech savvy my family of origin is not.
Somehow, though, I’ve learned just enough about it to be able to keep hitting that “publish” button, even on days when it’s just a few blurry iphone pictures with silly captions. So, thanks again for reading. My only complaint about blogging is that it feels so very one-sided on the sharing end of things. I wish I could know as much about you and your family as you are learning about me and mine. Everyone should have a blog… or at least a blob.
Have a great weekend!
I am reading! I read everyday, except for lately…due to the cross country venture…but you always make me laugh!
Thank you!!
BVS: It's great to hear from you. I hope your move goes well! I really can't imagine doing that with 3 in tow. I'd love an update when you get settled in. Can't wait to hear about your west coast adventures
Hollie! Congrats on a wonderful year of blogging..i mean blobbing. I read it NOT because there is nothing out there, but because you are very talented and entertaining. Love it!
Beth: Thanks so much. I always enjoy your witty humor. If you ever start a blog, I'm a follower!