Since the Cubs miraculoulsly won the World Series last night {actually early this morning}, I feel like Halloween is old news. But, I have to briefly document the holiday here for the sake of scrapbooking and will totally understand if you need to read more relevant or interesting things today. At least our theme related to the right sport this year.
I’ve always loved “A League of Their Own” and remember seeing it for the first of many times waaaay back in 1992. I haven’t introduced the classic to the girls quite yet, so they only have a limited appreciation for the Rockford Peaches. But I showed them some pictures and explained how there was a real women’s baseball league during the war, and they were sold on the idea of wearing the peachy-pink twirly uniforms. As in years past the Spouse was a good sport about suiting up in a costume {who doesn’t love Tom Hanks?} and was just happy this one was comfortable, especially since it was a balmy 82 degrees on Halloween.
All evening the Preschooler kept handing us her bat and saying, “I need somebody to hold my racquet!” Clearly, we have a lot to learn about baseball.
She also didn’t have any appreciation for Jimmy Dugan’s great lines. I saw this face coming my way and started thinking… “Are you crying? Are you crying?? There’s no crying in baseball!!” But with our family, there’s always at least a little crying on Halloween, most especially if you spill your Fritos or your sister inadvertently takes a piece of candy from your bag rather than her own.
All in all, it was a great Halloween. Now we just need to teach these girls what a bat is and how to use it… to hit a ball, not each other.
Unrelated to the holiday or baseball, I found this drawing in the 2nd Grader’s backpack last week:
The sign at the top of the building is misleading because I’m pretty sure she means for this to be a bakery rather than a sweatshop. She and the 4th Grader have talked a lot about how they could run a sweet shop when they grow up. But, “Sister Sweats” might be another good business concept they should consider because it makes a great name for a women’s gym. Sister Sweets when you need a cookie or Sister Sweats when you need a workout… either way, I think she’s onto something here.
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