Greetings from “the happiest place on earth.” We’ve ventured far from home to experience our first family adventure here in Disney World. We’re getting geared up for our first official (full) day in the park tomorrow. Rain or shine, hot or cold, we’ll be securing our two into their double-wide stroller and heading out in search of a good time.
Of course, we’ll be carefully dodging all things loud, dark, or otherwise scary, a task made easier by a handy little brochure called, “Disney World: For Kids 5 and Under.” So far, this has been the most helpful resource in planning our time here. It offers all sorts of insightful warnings about rides and attractions like: “theatre does become dark at times with occasional water spurts.” We marked that one off at “dark.” And, here’s another one: “Fireworks can be quite loud at times.” I’d like to think we would have anticipated that on our own, but you can never be over-informed about these sort of things, I suppose. Good to know before you go, right?
Walt Disney once said, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” And, as we guide our energetic (and determined) two around this magical place this week, that will be our motto!
I missed our Monday morning chat and was hoping so much that you would have a post this morning. As always, you did not disappoint. Who knew they had such a specific guide for children under 5. Brilliant and yet not shocking. I am glad to see that your trip is off to a successful start and hope that you all have a wonderful week! I will look forward to talking with you soon and hearing all about it!
I missed our chat, too. I think I easily got more exercise today than I've gotten in the last month walking/lifting/stroller-pushing, etc. It's intense… but it really is fun to see the girls' reaction to all the stimulation. Disney does this entertainment thing very well. Hope your week goes well, and I'll be anxious to catch up with you soon!
Oh my gosh Hollie I didn't know you were down here! How long are you in FL for? If your going to be here for the week maybe we can meet you all for dinner one evening 🙂